An introduction for anyone who uses statistics in their work or research
Date of next course: May 22nd-23rd 2025
This is an online course that will be held via Microsoft Teams
Registration for May's course will open shortly
The Introductory Medical Statistics Course introduces you to basic statistical concepts.
The course is run by statisticians and epidemiologists based at the National Heart and
Lung Institute (NHLI), part of Imperial College.
The provisional programme for the course can be accessed here
To discuss the course please contact James Potts: j.potts@imperial.ac.uk
What is covered
Basic epidemiological concepts
hierarchy of evidence and differences in study designs; confounding in observational studies vs. RCTs
Descriptive statistics for quantitative, ordinal and qualitative data
mean, median and mode; standard deviation, percentiles and frequency distribution
Inferential statistics
estimating parameters in the population; confidence intervals
Testing a hypothesis
p-values; choosing a test; types of errors – false positive and false negative results; multiple testing
Correlation vs. simple linear regression to test relationships between quantitative variables
differences in aims and links between the two approaches; simple linear regression vs. ANOVA
Multiple linear regression to adjust for confounding
interpretation of findings; examples of the impact of confounding on estimates of interest
Different measures of risk (binary outcomes)
relative measures of risk (odds ratio, relative risk, hazard ratio); absolute measures of risk (risk difference, NNT/NNH)
Simple and multiple logistic regression (binary outcomes)
interpretation of findings; examples of the impact of confounding on the estimates of interest
Power and sample size calculations
why we need them and what parameters we need to perform them ; examples of sample size and power calculations for continuous and binary outcomes
The course will conclude with a practical session: revision and discussion of concepts presented in the course using real examples. Feedback with answers to questions through online voting.
Suitable for: Doctors (including trainee grades), nurses, allied health professionals, clinical research fellows and postgraduate students
Accredited by the Royal College of Physicians: 6 CPD points